Pappa al Pomodoro in Essiccatore
Ingredienti da essiccare freschi (dosi per un barattolo): Pomodori 800 g tritati e lasciati scolare una decina di minuti, conditi con sale e pepe Pane raffermo 300 g Cipolla 1 Gambi di sedano 2 Ca...

Homemade Candy with the Dehydrator
Candy is a little treat that many people can't give up. And why should we give up candy when it's so good? This is what children, especially, ask themselves... The answer is that unfortunately mos...

Cereal Bars and Fibers from the Extractor Waste
How to make them at home using the Dehydrator Cereal bars are a very popular product and used as an energy snack. There are commercially available ones for all tastes and needs, but unfortunatel...

How to Make Vegetable Stock at Home
Making stock cubes is very easy thanks to the use of a dryer. Vegetable stock is a compound (often made in the shape of a cube) of herbs, vegetables and salt that is used to make broth in a very ...

How to make yogurt without a yogurt maker
Yogurt – A panacea for the body Homemade yogurt is a panacea for our intestinal system but not only… In fact, in addition to the well-known lactic ferments, it also contains many minerals and ...

Vegetable chips are a delicious and healthy snack Dehydrated vegetable chips are a real panacea, in fact thanks to drying they preserve all the properties of fresh vegetables and at the same tim...

October is considered the month of mushrooms, during this month in fact you start to find the delicious Porcini but also the Russole, the Cimballi and the Sanguinelli. Later in November also Piopp...